A tainted legacy....at the least...Joe Paterno and his legacy will take a hit. Penn State will take a hit.
When did he know? How much did he know? Why didn't he go to the authorities? Did he cover this up?
So many questions......so few answers.
Joe Paterno......is dead. He can no longer answer the questions.
But other people are still digging....still asking....still wanting to know.
Things are not well......at .....Penn State:
And you know our peeps....at TMZ.com.......are all over this:
7/12/2012 6:13 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF
Breaking News
Joe Paterno participated in a 13-year conspiracy to hide
Jerry Sandusky's
sexual crimes against children from authorities ... so says a new
report issued by investigators connected to the Sandusky case.
Freeh Group --an independent investigative task force hired by the Penn
State University Board of Trustees -- released its report moments ago
... and according to investigators, Paterno, along with the most senior
leaders of PSU, "failed to protect against a child sexual predator
harming children for over a decade."
In fact,
the Freeh report concludes ... Paterno ... along with PSU president
Graham Spanier, athletic director
Tim Curley and vice president
Gary Schultz "repeatedly concealed critical facts" in order to prevent bad publicity for the school.
According to the report,
Paterno knew about allegations concerning Sandusky since at least March
of 1998 ... but failed to take any action to prevent Sandusky from
having contact with young children.
"They showed no concern about the victim," the report reads.
the very least, Mr Paterno could have alerted the entire football
staff, in order to prevent Sandusky from bringing another child into the
Lasch Building."
The report says Paterno failed to take
immediate action after Mike McQueary told him about Sandusky raping a
boy in the gym shower in Feb. 2001 because Paterno "did not want to
interfere with people's weekend."
The Freeh report classifies PSU's non-action as "catastrophic failures."
last month, Sandusky was found guilty of 45 counts of child sexual
abuse ... and will most likely spend the rest of his disgusting life
rotting away in prison.
Joe Paterno died back in January at the age of 85.