Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why There is Still Concern....in the Black Community

Some white people....just won't ever get over it....

This is very disturbing.....

But it is real. Be assured........it is very real.

The thought of an African-American president.

Let's just hope these two idiots are not a true representation of the United States of America.

Think about it.......A Barack Obama assassination would set this country back a hundred years in race relations.......would tear this country apart.

Just the thought of what these two guys were planning........is so repulsive....

Read it for yourself.......Via......New York Times:

Arrests in Plan to Kill Obama and Black Schoolchildren

Granted .....you won't see this on Fox News........

To them.......it never happened.....

But for us..........it's very chilling.

1 comment:

  1. Obama did it for us! There is a bailout for the people. Everyone qualifies. I got $750,000.00USD in grants for my bailout.

    Bailout for the People


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