Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is Your Momma......A "Ho"?

We are......sure the question was not phrased quite this inappropriate question just the same.

This GM should be fired:

NFL exec sorry for dissing player's mom

Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland apologizes to Dez Bryant for an insulting question about the receiver's mother. » Details 

Dez Bryant, one of the most highly rated rated wide receivers in the 2010 NFL Draft, raised eyebrows last week when he told Yahoo! Sports' Michael Silver that one team asked him a particularly bizarre question during an interview:
"They asked me if my mom's a prostitute," Bryant says, an account that was confirmed by Wells, who attended the meeting. "No, my mom is not a prostitute. I got mad - really mad - but I didn't show it. I got a lot of questions like that: Does she still do drugs? I sat and answered all of them."

1 comment:

  1. fired?!? dez bryant has hardly the kind of history where you can trust him based solely on his tape and his wonderlic score. i'm sure much worse has been asked by every other team.

    this is the NFL, not a part time job at Dairy Queen. Dez Bryant is going to be walking out with $10 million the day he signs his contract and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it if you asked the wrong questions and trusted the wrong guy.

    ask al davis if he'd like to have his interview with Jamarcus Russel back.


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